23 April 2008

Obama Cash Machine - Overrun by 'Operation Chaos'

Obama outspent Clinton by 3 to 1 and in some markets as much as 5 to 1, yet he was unable to close the margin of Clintons victory to less than 10 points. Conceding that he didn't think he could win, Obama was at least hoping to close the margin down to single digits. A very close victory for Clinton here, would have signaled that the Democrat Primary race was pretty much over, but now it doesn't look like this will happen. Or did it? A full 14% of all Democrats voting in yesterday's Pennsylvania Primary, were brand spanking new registered Democrats. How many of those were operatives in Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos? Did Operation Chaos tip the vote in Clinton's favor, extending the Chaos going on in the Democrat party?

Clinton, emboldened by her victory, entered the Philadelphia auditorium singing, "I'll stand my ground, and I won't back down!" and then said "Some people counted me out and said to drop out, but the American people don't quit and they deserve a president who doesn't quit either"

My analisis of this situation raises some questions though, the problem that I have with this, is the fact that Clinton's Cash Machine, only raised 20 Million in the month of March, about a 50% decline from February, while Obama's Cash Machine raised 40 Million in March, while still a drop from February (super Tuesday month), the drop wasn't nearly as huge as Clinton's drop in contributions. If Clinton is surging ahead of Obama this way, why haven't her finance number's reflected this? This leads me to believe that Obama really did win among true democrats and her margin of victory is almost entirely attributed to Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos. While true, that now that she's shown a win, her contributions have soared, but prior to this win, it seems that her support was waning with calls among democrats to drop out of the election.

Rush Limbaugh, commenting on their last debate relished on what he sees is his pivotal "Operatives" changing the outcome of the vote, claiming that "Obama is Damaged Goods, but Radical Hillary Can't Close the Deal".

At the same time, the other side is that Exit polls showed that the vast majority of new registrants voted for Obama, so this begs the question. Did Rush's Operation Chaos win the race for Clinton, or did she win because all of Obama's issues are starting to catch up to him. Are Obama's chickens "coming home to roost"?

19 April 2008

Carter Suffering From StockHolm Syndrome

According to the Wikipedia, Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger in which the hostage has been placed. The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm, Sweden, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28 in 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors after they were freed from their six-day ordeal. The term Stockholm Syndrome was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast.

What else could possibly explain Carter's second visit to Hamas, a Terrorist group funded by Iran, the same country that humiliated him during his presidency. A presidency held hostage to the Iran Hostage Crisis. It's almost as if he wants these Brutal killers to "like him".
Carter Claims that he's there to broker a release of the hostage soldier, Gilad Shalit, but neither Israel, nor the U.S. Government have requested, nor do they want his participation. As Condoleezza Rice said before the trip, via State Department spokesman Sean McCormack "Carter had opened himself up to 'exploitation' by both Hamas and the Syrian government. (Since Carter also met with Syrian President Bashar Assad.). The two Palestinians he met with an hour ago, are considered terrorists by the U.S. government and Israel accuses them of masterminding attacks that have killed hundreds of civilians.

I suppose that Carter has forgotten the lessons learned about dealing with the Iranians, you don't negotiate with Terrorists. He is being used as a tool in their propaganda machine to lend legitimacy to their government and to their cause. Not wanting to leave an impression that Carter won any concessions, Hamas said Friday that Shalit would "not see the light" until Palestinian prisoners are also released in an exchange - code for "we want hundreds released for this one". Talk about your slap in the face.
They also spoke of a way to end the siege on the palestinians by Israel. Let's not forget that it was Hamas who started this whole thing, by Kidnapping Shalit, and begun the Shelling of Israel, via lands that Israel conceded to the Palestinian Authority. I wonder if Carter glossed over that little factoid.

In a move reminiscent of the Nazi Party, Hamas, once a minority group in Palestine, has forcibly seized control of Gaza from Fatah in June, utilizing financing and weapons provided by the Iranian Government. They then proceeded to setup a Rival regime to the legitimate government of President Mahmoud Abbas' West Bank Government. Just as the Nazi's their stated purpose is the death and destruction and displacement of all Jews.
Incensed with Carter's undermining of U.S. policy not to negotiate with Terrorists, Rep. Sue Myrick of N.C. has called on Rice to revoke Carter's passport. Citing, "Former President Carter has acted in contradiction of international agreements to isolate Hamas".
No telling on the effect this move will have on Obama's support among the Jewish community in the U.S., Obama has been critical of Carter's visit, since Carter had hinted on supporting Obama. Obama has been very unfortunate, in that many of his supporters, such as Wright, Farrakhan, and now Carter, seem to be insensitive, if not hostile to the needs of the Jewish Community.

18 April 2008

Can Mr. Wonderful win the Race?

Online Videos by Veoh.com
verywhere you look. ABC's Blogs about the coverage of the Debate. The Huffington Post's blogs about how unfair ABC was, the Obama supporters are in an absolute uproar. It's like a collective "How Dare They" came out of their mouths all at the same time. What Obama supporters are failing to realize is that Americans have questions.
There are many issues on which we here at NoSocialism.com can go after Obama, I've written previously about why we believe he can't win, mostly because of the fact that we believe that he does in fact have some very socialist tendency's. However, with the left trying to define the kinds of questions that are appropriate or that can be asked, I'd like to focus for a moment, not so much on the issues, but on what kinds of questions are the right questions, that we should be asking a presidential candidate. I'm going to make an analogy and I know many of you will take this the wrong way, but here we go.
If a white guy named "Mr. Wonderful" came out running for the most powerful office in the country, or even if it was just for mayor of your city, and he came up with a grand plan that would save everyone. Everyone was in complete agreement that the plan was the right plan, but they then found out the man's best friend was the GrandMaster of the KKK, who despite being a Scoutmaster and an upstanding Citizen, used to get supporters in an uproar over how "Blacks have it in for them". In addition, they found out that another friend, hated Jews and was a member of the American Nazi Party, who was trying to organize a Million White Man March. Finally, there was also a revelation that this Mr. Wonderful, that could speak circles around anyone. That seemed to have a solution for every issue, also held strategy meetings at Timothy McVeigh's home at one time, when he lived down the street from him. Would it be fair to say that this "Mr. Wonderful, would be absolutely crucified by the media in every shape and form that they could? Would comments by Mr. Wonderful that 'We can Move Beyond this" be enough to placate his critics that maybe he's not so wonderful? Would these even be fair questions if the plan he had was so absolutely brilliant?
So here we are, with Obama's claims that his 20 year relationship with his Pastor is irrelevant. Here is a man that has said things from, "White people introduced AIDS to the Black community to kill them off" to "America's Chickens are coming home to roost", over the 9/11 Incident. That 20 year relationship, isn't indicative of how he thinks? That relationship doesn't represent his views. The vast majority of people that I know, usually have the closest relationships, with people that they agree with on many, many levels. Most usually tend to distance themselves from people that have viewpoints that are very different then theirs. As for his relationship with Farrakhan, who clearly hates not only Whites but also Jews. He went to his Million Man March, his church, and Pastor Wright gave Farrakhan an Award saying he "Epitomized Greatness". To top it all off, he goes to Bill Ayers home, (formerly of the Weather Underground) where Bill proceeds to host an event for Obama when he was running for State Senator. Clearly this is more than "simply an acquaintance".
According to Obama's supporter's these kinds of questions are a waste of time. We should only be talking about the issues. If it was Mr. Wonderful, would that be the case? Or would we begin to question the man's character and the man's ability to simply "do the right thing". Character is extremely important, and how can you know a man's character, without knowing anything about the company that he keeps? Let's do some super simple math, without getting into too many details.
About 45% of voters always vote Democrat, and about 45% of voters always vote Republican. There's a swing vote, of about 10% that could go either way, and usually don't really solidify their position, until just weeks before the election. Like it or not, Obama Supporters, right now a bit less than HALF of your party is supporting Clinton, let's just say that it's 22% of all voters, Republican, Democrat and undecided. That leaves Obama supporters with 23%, McCain 45% and then there's the 10% Swingers. (Pun intended seeing as they like to jump in either bed). I know what you're thinking, you can get the 22% supporting Clinton, once she's out and, you can get the 10% swingers too, for a 55 to 45 win. Not so fast. You see, you guys might see it that way, but the rest of us don't. Again, right now, as it stands you're in the Minority, with only 23% and you can't define all the issues, we are 77%, and also have a say in what questions are asked and we believe that Character is important. We believe that it's important the we see the kinds of people that you choose to surround yourself with. We believe that it's important to not only define a plan for the country, but to also let us know what kind of person you are and can you be trusted. We are trusting the president with the most powerful position in the entire planet. If we can't ask these kinds of questions of a potential candidate, then that candidate should not be running, period.

17 April 2008

Congress Behind Latest Increases in Gas and Oil

Chris Mehl of the Wilderness Society was ecstatic, Kohlman Co., an Oil & Gas development firm, agreed to cede it's oil and gas leases on 33,411 acres along the "Front" to Trout Unlimited, a conservation group. So far the group has racked up 40,074 Acres from companies giving up their leases on the land. 4 companies have agreed to give up their leases on the land since Congress passed a law giving tax credits to companies who give up their leases on 400,000 acres of Federal lands along the Front.

The bill, passed by congress in 2006, expanded the 1997 decision to remove 365,000 acres of Federal land from Oil & Gas leases along the Front. The Front is the area where the Northern Rockies and the Great Plains meet from Montana Hwy. 200 to Glacier National Park in the North.

Chris Hunt, of Trout Unlimited, said the Badger ­Two Medicine area is home to the state fish, as well as grizzly bears that move back and forth between the plains and moun­tains.

This is a treasured place for hunters and anglers,” Hunt said.

"Bob", A commenter on the Great Falls Tribune Website said, "May do some good for the trout, paid guides, people with the money to go on these wilderness trips and foreign governments that sell us their oil and gas and then kill us with our own money. But chock up another loss for the working class. These development companies are under such strict reclamation regulations and I've seen these newer developments myself in other states and they look fine. All that's left is a small fenced area with a pipe sticking out of the ground in most cases and a nice well maintained road." Roads that can be dismantled later after the well is exhausted.

Indeed, the industry is being blocked at every turn, in California, New Mexico, Utah, everywhere you look there are new roadblocks, new restrictions and more and more regulations being placed on the industry making it more difficult to find and extract the energy that America needs.

While Americans certainly wish to preserve their pristine places is such action really warranted?

With Gas prices hovering at well over $3.00 a Gallon and pricing experts saying that Gas should hit $4.00 a gallon very soon, and possibly much higher in the future, is Congress doing something, Anything to get a handle on this?

With the Technology that we have today, from zero noise drilling platforms, to Horizontal Drilling techniques, the actual footprint of oil drilling equipment is getting smaller and smaller. Even in the hotly contested area of ANWR, a report issued on March of 2003 on the North Slope, showed that Caribou populations in the area were through the roof, despite 30 years of drilling. The report showed that the environmental impact in the area was incredibly small. Less than 1% of the total area was affected.

According to BP, a 20 Acre well pad in 1970 could access about 502 acres of land, meaning you had to dot the landscape with Pads to get to the oil. With today's techniques, a pad of 5 to 6 Acres can access oil on about 32,000 acres of land. Clearly, with new technology, we no longer need to dot the entire landscape with drilling pads, which of course means a lot less access roads need to be built. Additionally, frozen areas like ANWAR, new Exploration techniques are leaving nary a trace of a footprint. Solid Ice Bases and Ice Roads are being implemented that simply melt out of existence in the Summer. Leaving a single capped well head as the only evidence that humans were there.

We need to ask congress, why with rising Food and Gas prices, are they, instead of urging the Oil companies to develop more oil, they instead are doing everything they can to make more and more lands not accessible to Drilling.

Instead, congress recently passed a huge tax increase (HR 5351) on the Oil and Gas industry that discourages the very investments on technology that have made the industry much cleaner. While it might feel good to "Stick it to them", if anything this will lead to even higher prices, as the industry attempts to compensate for higher costs of doing business.

These tax increases will have the effect of telling the industry to just buy the oil from overseas and resell here at the Gas Stations, since Capital Investments will no longer be tax deductible for them, like it is for every industry in the U.S. This coupled with the closure of more and more areas to drilling, will only have the future effect of making oil even more scarce, and the more scarce things get, the more expensive things get. It's a basic law of supply and demand.

But congress isn't done raising your Gas prices, not by a long shot, a proposed Bill S. 1419, includes provisions for the Oil industry to subsidize Ethanol. A move that could double the price of Gas by 2016, even without any additional increases in Oil. And if that's not enough, congress is also considering 29 Billion in new taxes on the Oil industry to subsidize Wind and Solar Power, a move that will surely increase the price of gas even more. If all of these provisions are passed, we could easily be paying $10-$15.00 a Gallon within the next 10 years.

When the Oil Embargo of 73 happened, it had devastating effects on our economy. We ended up with the tripled gas prices, long lines to purchase gas, gas rationing, double digit inflation, double digit unemployment, 21% Interest rates to buy cars, more people were unemployed since at any time since the Great Depression. Back then we only imported 35% of our oil. Today we import 53%! More and more of our money is ending up in the hands of enemies like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and the Middle East, who have a penchant for funding Islamic Extremist of the sort that would rather see us dead. What happens to us now if there's a future disruption of supply?

The results are clear. With the artificial caps on production, and less and less supply every year, the prices of oil will continue to skyrocket. We're starting to see the huge problems that Green Fuels deliver, so that's not a real alternative. It turns out that the debate on Global Warming, really isn't over, so we shouldn't just stop producing oil, and destroy our economy for something that might be a mistake. It's nice to dream of some day when we will have cheap and plentiful clean power from some new mystical invention in the future, but right now our economy runs on Oil. And it's running out of Gas. We need to tell congress to be part of the Solution and not part of the Problem.

14 April 2008

Global Warming Panic Causing Hunger and Rioting

U.S. Policy on Oil production is hitting the poorest of the poor, those who make less than $2.00 a day, the hardest. Mostly because of environmental concerns, especially over Global Warming, The United States has been steadily increasing regulations of it's oil production, to the point to where there are no new production projects coming online in the United States. The U.S. is now producing less oil than we have in almost 60 years, even though we have some of the worlds largest reserves. This in turn has created an artificial shortage of Oil which has seen Spot prices jump to all time high's of over $110.00 a barrel. At first, the higher gas prices started to cause food to go up in price mostly because of transport, but that was nothing, now with the "Biofuel" craze, food prices are rocketing up faster than most in the third world can handle, up to a threefold increase since 2005 on some commodities. Corn especially has been getting a lot of attention on being turned into Ethanol for Gas production, but is it really wise for us to use the planet's food supply to drive our cars with? Especially when there's plenty of oil available off the Coast of Florida and in Alaska?

Many people don't even realize that Corn is used in making everything from beer to bubblegum and while here in the U.S. the higher prices are more of an inconvenience, in Third World nations, it can be the difference on whether you eat or not. To make matters worse, corn is expected to go even higher, because farmers are planting more Wheat & Soybeans this year, due to better profitability. In addition, we've gone from 50 ethanol plants in 1999 to 134 today! The Renewable Fuels Association has estimated that up to 1/3rd of the nations Corn production could soon be swallowed up by the Ethanol producers.

Prices are not just accelerating on Corn, Wheat & Soybeans; dairy farmers, meat producers, chicken farmers and others who rely on corn feed for their livestock are having to increase prices to compensate for Corn's skyrocketing costs, adding even more upward pressure on the nations food supply. Could this be the spark that drives a 70's style runaway inflation?

The Dirty secret about Corn though, is that it takes massive amounts of water and Nitrogen fertilizers to grow. Additionally, mountains of pesticides need to be added to keep the bugs from devouring it. Since Nitrogen is derived from Natural Gas, and pesticides come from Petroleum, as corn production increases, we can expect to see much higher costs of heating our homes and even higher prices for oil.

Now the fallout, In Haiti, the government almost endured a coup d'etat over last week's food riots on April 5th & 7th where at least 3 people were killed. Prime Minister Jacques Edouard has been ousted, leaving his appointee's merely passengers on a bus going nowhere until a new head of state can be ushered in.

In Mexico 75,000 people came out to protest against rising Tortilla prices, if people think the border situation is bad now, wait until poor Mexicans can't afford their Tortillas. We'll see even more border crossings as people who are starving don't care about things like immigration laws.

From Bangladesh to Egypt to Latin America and Africa, food riots are breaking out all around the world, while the U.S. has committed to a 200 Million dollar emergency aid program, the U.N.'s World Food program needs at least 500 Million just to meet emergency needs. We've yet to see if other nations around the world will step up to fill the gaps.

If the debate is over, then we need to start a new debate, because the policy changes we're implementing seem to be doing more damage to the Economy and the rest of the world, than any actual Global Warming. The worst part is, that the planet has actually stopped warming several years ago! While the debate continues as to wether this is proof that Global Warming was overblown, or if this is temporary, it seems that the 'cure' is worse than the disease.

11 April 2008

Obama Loses 10-Point Advantage Over McCain

Republican Sen. John McCain has erased Sen. Barack Obama's 10-point advantage in a head-to-head matchup, leaving him essentially tied with both Democratic candidates in an Associated Press-Ipsos national poll released Thursday.Further evidence that the story I wrote about previously is true. Obama cannot and will not win this election. He's hoping that the whole Wright thing will just go away, but it's an issue that won't go away, because the American public doesn't want someone in the White House that thinks they're a bunch of evil racists.

read more digg story

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