I saw this over at NoStimulus.com and thought it would be worthwhile to share it with my readers. Please make sure you click to sign the petition!!!
Fight Special Interests that Want to Take Your Money
News coverage of the first 69,000 of your petitions being delivered to the
United States Senate this past Friday [Left]. Senators Jim DeMint (SC), Jim
Inhofe (OK), Jeff Sessions (AL), Michael Enzi (WY) and David Vitter (LA)
receive the petitions on the steps of the Senate [Right]. We will be
delivering all the new petitions this week!
This Fight Is Not Over
We still have two chances to win in the House or Senate!
The Senate mustered 61 votes to squeak through the Collins/Nelson
amendment, better known as the “compromise” stimulus plan.
If you listen to the mainstream media, this means the fight is over, Nancy
Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama win, and it’s time to move on. Not so
The bill will go to a conference committee to work out differences between
the House and Senate versions. The conference committee will be a brand-new
feeding frenzy of wasteful pork projects.
Whatever comes out of conference committee will be another very tough vote
in both the House and Senate.
If we keep the pressure on, we can win!
What Does the So-Called “Stimulus Package” Mean For You?
It means you pay.
You pay for more bailouts, more giveaways, more wasteful spending...and
your children and grandchildren pay for trillions of dollars of debt.
But you can fight back right now. By signing the
petition, you can join
the thousands of Americans who are saying NO!
NO to more taxpayer-funded bailouts and
giveaways to special interests!
NO to using economic hardship as an
excuse for Big Government power grabs!
NO to heaving trillions of dollars in
new debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren!
NO to this no-stimulus scam!
Follow the links on the right to contact your elected officials, learn how
you can tell your friends and family why this new scheme will hurt taxpayers,
and invest in the movement that is fighting back!
News coverage of the first 69,000 of your petitions being delivered to the
United States Senate this past Friday [Left]. Senators Jim DeMint (SC), Jim
Inhofe (OK), Jeff Sessions (AL), Michael Enzi (WY) and David Vitter (LA)
receive the petitions on the steps of the Senate [Right]. We will be
delivering all the new petitions this week!
This Fight Is Not Over
We still have two chances to win in the House or Senate!
The Senate mustered 61 votes to squeak through the Collins/Nelson
amendment, better known as the compromise stimulus plan.
If you listen to the mainstream media, this means the fight is over, Nancy
Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama win, and its time to move on. Not so
The bill will go to a conference committee to work out differences between
the House and Senate versions. The conference committee will be a brand-new
feeding frenzy of wasteful pork projects.
Whatever comes out of conference committee will be another very tough vote
in both the House and Senate.
If we keep the pressure on, we can win!
What Does the So-Called Stimulus Package Mean For You?
It means you pay.
You pay for more bailouts, more giveaways, more wasteful spending...and
your children and grandchildren pay for trillions of dollars of debt.
But you can fight back right now. By signing the
petition, you can join
the thousands of Americans who are saying NO!
NO to more taxpayer-funded bailouts and
giveaways to special interests!
NO to using economic hardship as an
excuse for Big Government power grabs!
NO to heaving trillions of dollars in
new debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren!
NO to this no-stimulus scam!
Follow the links to contact your elected officials, learn how
you can tell your friends and family why this new scheme will hurt taxpayers,
and invest in the movement that is fighting back!