03 June 2008

Operation Drill Bit Inspires Art by Don Meredith

Operation Drill Bit Inspires Art

Thanks to Don Meredith for his original, Operation Drill Bit, illustration that he sent the Schnitt Show.
For those of you who haven't been keeping up with this, we're trying to spread the word on Operation Drill bit. Send a Drill Bit to your Congressman, and one to each one of your Senators. Here at NoSocialism.com, we're also sending one to Governor Christ, since he has put a "No Drilling Moratorium" off the coast of Florida, which I think is a Terrible idea.
There are those who've contacted me and said that this is a terrible idea, since Platforms off the coast will look terrible. The Truth is that if it's more than 25 Miles off shore, we're not going to see it, at least not without binoculars. In addition, China is ALREADY building a platform less than 25 Miles off the coast of Florida on the Cuban coast. So the Chinese can drill that oil but we can't? I'm sorry but I'm SURE that our companies will do a better and cleaner job than any Chinese company could possibly do!
If you haven't done so already, click here to get your Congressman's addresses to send them their Drill Bits. Additionally, if you're doing as I am, and sending one to Governor Christ as well, click here for his info.

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