Showing posts with label Big Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Government. Show all posts

22 April 2012

Top 10 Most Polluted ... Socialist Bodies of Water

Environmentalist love to talk about how the Western World, and particularly the United States is causing such mass destruction of the planet, yet when one looks around the world what we find is that everywhere you see Socialism, you see an environment under assault.  If anything the Free Market ideals that have made the U.S.A. the most advanced and prosperous country in the world, also makes it one of the cleanest.  Why?  Our political system wouldn't allow for someone who allows the destruction of their ecosystem to stay in power, as they so easily do in Socialist countries.

Let's just take a look at the top 10 most polluted bodies of water in the world, and every time, it's Socialism that has allowed the destruction of that body of water.

#1.  Lake Karachay.
The most polluted place on earth - Russia
Lake Karachay in Russia looks FANTASTIC from this photo, yet it's the most polluted place on earth.  While Russia is no longer part of the U.S.S.R, truth is that the United Soviet Socialist Republic not only gave us Chernobyl, they also gave us many, many, many of the most polluted places in the world, this Lake at the top of them.  The Soviet Union used this lake as a dumping spot for all of the nuclear waste from their largest nuclear production facilities called Mayak.
In 1968, following a drought in the region, the wind carried radioactive dust away from the dried area of the lake, irradiating half a million people.  Love that socialist Utopia!

#2.  Matanza-Riachuelo River
Translates into "Slaughter Creek"
Buenos Aires Argentina
Socialism for foes and Capitalism for Friends is practically the National Anthem in Argentina.  The victim here is Matanza-Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires.  Pictured here on the left, the "flows" of garbage is just one example of the type of "water" that feeds into this disgusting river.  3.5 million people live in its contaminated basin. Something like this would NEVER be allowed to stand in the U.S.  What's worse is that according to Argentine newspaper, Página/12, $250,000,000 was set aside for a cleanup project in 1993, but only $1,000,000 was actually used to improve the conditions of the water. The rest was "misappropriated."  In other words, STOLEN by the Socialist Scumbags that run the country.  While every country has it's share of cronyism, backstabbing, skimming and outright bribery, only the corruption of a socialist lets you have 99.6% of the money for a project easily stolen by the Political Elites and have them simply get away with it.  Were are the rapid Corporate Raiders demanding "Social Justice" from those who stole this money and left this slimy mess they call a River?

#3.  Citarum River
West Java, Indonesia
While Indonesia is no longer considered a Socialist Republic since the old rulers literally drove the country off a cliff and destroying their currency, direct elections were only recently held for the first time in 2004, so they haven't yet had time to deal with all the corruption the Socialist legacy has left them with.  Let's face it, rapid population growth over the last 20 years is no excuse for letting the  Citarum River get into the shape that it's in, which threatens the health of everyone who comes in contact with the waters of the River.

#4.  Buriganga River
 Dhaka, Bangladesh
If you were to look at an article by "Socialism Today", you would think  that the reason there is such poverty in The People's Republic of Bangladesh is because of a failed "Capitalist Experiment".  Yet in their own article they speak of how when they won independence, the first thing they did was to nationalize most major industries.  Does that sound Capitalist to you?
The picture on the left shows you the yet another way that Nationalization and Socialism have taken yet another country down the road of destruction.  Not only financially, but environmentally.
All they can do is talk about excuses, there are never any results where they can point to a socialist system and say, "See those people over there, they are living better because of Socialism".

#5.  Ganges River
 Allahabad, India
India, a constitutional Socialist Republic, where the practice of taking from the poor and giving to the rich is practically legendary.  Slums that have been in place for decades are torn down and the lands given to the rich to redevelop.  While some of the former slum tenants are given free apartments in the new developments, many others are turned away to look for residence in other slums.  The vast majority of the lands are owned by the Government and generally the only real beneficiaries, just as in any other Socialist State are those who are well connected.

For the next 5 most polluted bodies of water, we have to go to China, the worlds biggest Socialist country, then back to India, then back to China, then to Israel.  What?  Oh, I'm sorry, did you think Israel was a western style Capitalistic country?  Practically the entire country is on the Dole! No, the Labor Party over there is firmly in control, even if they're not in control of the Government.  Kind of like here in the U.S.  Even if we have some leaders on the right, the Establishment that makes all the REAL policies is ALWAYS on the left.
Finally there's the Mississippi River in the U.S.A.  WHAT?!?  We're talking Socialism here?  YES, it's true.  The Socialist Policies of the U.S. when it comes to subsidizing Corn and Ethanol is what gave rise to the MASSIVE level of pollution in the Mississippi, and especially the dreaded "Dead Zones" in the Gulf.  Ending these Socialist policies would go a LONG way towards cleaning up this mess.  Remember it's not Capitalism that brought you these messes, it's Socialism.  So the next time some Enviro-Wacko tells you that we need to end Capitalism to save the planet, you remind of of Chernobyl.

#6.  Yellow River – Lanzhou, China

#7.  Yamuna River – New Delhi, India

#8.  Chaohu Lake – Anhui Province, China

Jordan River – Israel
#10.  Mississippi River, United States of America

06 January 2012

Big Business Using Big Government to Bulldoze The Little Guy Out

California Truckers are taking the EPA to court over new trucking regulations.  Let's see if Occupy Wall Street picks up on this one.  As is typical of big business coziness with Federal Regulators to winnow the field for them, the ATA is fully on board, since most of their dues are paid for by the big national operators who have the most to gain from these rules.  These new rules will be devastating to most smaller operators, since they will be forced to upgrade their fleets.  Many of these smaller operators already reeling from higher fuel costs that have been difficult to pass on in this tough economy.

The EPA claims that they're trying to get the trucking industry to lower their "Carbon Footprint", even though this whole Global Warming fiasco has been shown to be little more than a MASSIVE Hoax, created to line the pockets of the very people pushing the agenda.

As the Government continues to push an agenda that benefits big business while hurting small business, it's no wonder that there are so few businesses willing to invest in this economy.  It seems more and more clear as the days go on, that unless you're somehow "connected", you Goose is cooked and others are ready and waiting to eat your lunch.

Until we the people choose to roll back the size and scope of this Government, we will see more and more examples of our businesses, our neighborhoods and our homes being sacrificed to the alter of the "Connected Partners" in Government.  Those who are "in" will always have the advantage over us, and nothing will change.  Always vote for the smallest government guy you can find when choosing elected officials and let's get rid of all these guys who think they can micromanage our lives and our businesses.  I'm an adult, I don't need "Big Brother" looking out for me.

13 September 2011

Five Reasons the Government Shouldn't Spend Money

We all know it's true, government, especially the Federal Government wastes a ton of cash.  There's stories all over the media about how the government spends 3 to 5 times what the private sector spends to create equivalent Jobs, and how they overpay for... well EVERYTHING!
With all this evidence of government excess though, even the good folks at Fox News say that in a downturn, when no one else is spending, the government should step in and fill the gap, so to speak.
Here are 5 reasons why those voices are mistaken, and should not be listened to:
  • Number One:  Taxation reduces available Capital.
This is probably the most obvious.  If a small business needs to pay the bare minimum 35%, not counting State taxes, it not only reduces capital available for expansion, but additionally neccesitates higher prices to the consumer, reducing available spending power of the consumer, thereby also reduces jobs in that there are less opportunities for the consumer to buy other products either from the same company, or any other company.  As an example, before elected, when Reagan was asked what he would do to reduce rampant inflation back in the late 70's, he said he believed that reducing taxation would stimulate economic development and lower prices. He believed that ordinary people, free to pursue their own goals without undue interference, would creatively shape a booming economy and he was right.
  • Number Two:  Corporations Prefer Government Debt in uncertain times.
There's so much talk about corporations "sitting" on nearly 2 Trillion in cash.  They're not that dumb.  They're not going to sit on Cash, they're going to sit on tax free T-Bills.  Again, if that option wasn't available because the government wasn't spending so much and taking on so much debt, they might be more apt to move that cash back into growing their business or at least investing in something that creates jobs.
  • Number Three:  Banks prefer government debt.
Why take a risk when you can go with tax free government guaranteed profit?  Again, why bother investing in the private Sector when the Government hands you all the tax free guaranteed profits you need?  There are THOUSANDS of small businesses around the country starved for credit, because the banks don't want to give them even a short term loan, required to buy some inventory.  Many of these businesses could readily increase sales and profitability with decent inventory levels, but credit is hard to come by.  Reduced government spending will have Banks actually LOOKING for business again, instead of lazily sitting back and pressing a couple of buttons to buy all the T-Bills they could possibly ever want to gobble up.
  • Number Four:  Printing money depreciates savings.
The value of the Dollar, has been reduced by over 30%, just in the past 7 years.  Gasoline alone, costs over 30% more than a year ago.  The same can be said for basic food items, like Corn.  If the value of our money is devalued, then once again, it reduces what we're able to buy.  We then have less to spend at the corner store, the movies, vacations, cars and so on.  We have to keep things longer before replacing them.  This reduced spending on items causes companies like HP, to shut down whole divisions and lay off thousands.  This malaise spreads across the nation causing untold misery.  To put it bluntly, Printing money like they did in QE1 and QE2, is akin to stealing money from each and every one of us.

  • Number Five:  Currency Manipulations causes Job Losses.
The President talks a lot about how China keeps manipulating their currency to keep Chinese currency on par with U.S. currency, right at their current levels.  What he never mentions is how they manage to pull this off.  Normally when a country's exports are greater than another country, the exporting country's currency rises to reflect the stronger economic position of that country.  It's what happened to the U.S. after World War One and Two.  We continued to exports massive amounts of products to the Europeans and so our currency rose dramatically.  Later, when the Japanese started their export machine, the U.S. Dollar lost ground to the Japanese, and their products became so expensive to export, that they moved many of their manufacturing plants here, thereby providing Jobs to U.S. Workers (who were the ones buying their products anyway).  The reason this hasn't worked out with the Chinese, is because as our money flowed to the Chinese State Run companies, their government ordered those companies to buy U.S. Bonds, thereby sending the cash right back to the U.S.  This allowed them to "get rid" of their U.S. reserves, which in turn kept the Chinese Dollar from rising vs the U.S. Dollar.  The Chinese Government then turned around and issued low cost loans back to these same companies, deflating the value of their money and keeping the standard of living of the average Chinese very low.  Unlike in Japan, where the average family saw real gains in their standard of living.  The average Chinese citizen barely see's their standard of living rise.  The U.S. thereby is not only subsidizing the destruction of manufacturing jobs here in the U.S.  They're also subsidizing the destruction of any sort of advancement opportunity for the standard of living of the average Chinese citizen.
If the U.S were to stop issuing new debt, it would rob the corrupt Chinese Government's ability to continue to so easily manipulate their currency as effectively as they have.  Sure they could resort to printing even more money, but not without the risk of hyper inflation  A risk the Chinese Government would not be willing to take.  Instead they would do as Japanese companies did back when their currency began to rise, they started buying U.S. companies and investing in the U.S.  The difference is that at least the latter created jobs for U.S. Workers.

So the next time you hear the politicians talk about "Investments" or any other spending, deficit or otherwise, you'll understand that by supporting any spending whatsoever, they are killing jobs one way or another.  This is the reason why the Government MUST remain small, and must only spend where it's absolutely necessary.

05 June 2009

Why American Capitalism is Gone with a Wimper

I was reading the Article Posted on Pravda Online, American Capitalism Gone With A Wimper, when I came across something that someone posted in reference to the article:

Jamesschwartz said...
"You talk a nice line, but, like most Russians I have met, you know little more than rhetoric. In fact, your country is a ganster nation, a country of lazy ingrates who are squandering the freedom which the Pope and Ronald Reagan bought for you.

In fact, Russia is a grossly unequal society where a few people are vastly wealthy and most of the value of the average worker's labor goes to further enrich the wealthy few, in which the masses are brainwashed by commercial advertising in a fruitless search for happiness in material form, and that which steals resources and exploits people throughout the Europe, using gansterism power to further profit the already wealthy at the expense of the common people"

This is how it starts. People like "Jamesschwartz" don't see all the gains the Russian people have made. They don't see the stores stocked full of goods, where there used to be lines. He doesn't see the ever rising prosperity of the average people. He only sees the Wealthy who helped make it happen. He believes that all the people who invest time, money and take risks should be just like everyone else and not make a dime off their efforts.
This is exactly the kind of attitude that is causing the collapse of the U.S.
He sees no problem with a SINGLE Company in the U.S. (Exxon-Mobile) paying more in taxes than HALF OF ALL Working Americans. He thinks this is Just. He sees no problem with the Government Robbing the Economy of all the Capital that it takes to create jobs, because he thinks that somehow this is "Fair", and punishes those who would dare to become successful.

Remember the Tenth Commandment not to covet they neighbor's house, wife, or anything that he has. Every Christian, Muslim and Jew have that Commandment in their Holy Books.
Americans have been convinced that it is Trickle Down economics and deregulation that has brought us down to where we are, when in fact it was Trickle down economics in the early 80's that saved the U.S. economy. It is, in fact what lifted us from the failed Tax and Spend and over regulation policies of the Left in the 70's led by then President Jimmy Carter.

Tax cuts left more money in the hands of the Capitalists to do what they do. What do Capitalists do? They wish to create more Capital. How do they create more Capital? By investing in or creating new Business Opportunities. What doe new Business Opportunities mean to your average Joe? It means more Jobs and more money in his pocket. If they the Capitalist get Rich off of that Formula, what business is that of anyone? Why should anyone care? Was it their money? Was it somehow "stolen" from the poor? Preposterous! The poor don't have any money.
It's a very simple theory, which any logical person can easily see how it will succeed, but our leftist media has convinced the people that this model in fact never did work, and that the Accumulation of Wealth that we experienced during the Reagan Revolution was a fantasy, that somehow, all of our problems started with Reagan, when in fact he had come in and FIXED our problems and our decline. He Reversed our fortunes and anyone who would dispute that, EXPECIALLY someone like Obama who grew up during the Reagan Revolution and took part in the opportunities that it created to become wealthy himself.

The Saddest part is that Japan, FDR and Carter have already tried the Big Government Big Spending Theory and as history has shown us, it simply doesn't work.

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