04 July 2008

Sad Forth of July??

Happy 4th of July to everyone out there, it rained a lot here in South Florida, so I took the time to do several posts today that I've been wanting to put up for a while.

Something I noticed though, is that it actually turned out to be a kind of sad 4th. My wife and I have several friends that we usually visit every 4th of July, because each one is doing some sort of huge party and a massive fireworks display and so we end up carefully planning how we're going to make "the rounds" without ticking anyone off.

Well it turns out this year, that no one and I mean no one had a big party this year. To top it off, usually when we come home at night every year, it's hard to park our car, because our neighbor at the end of the street has all of her friends over, literally lining up the entire block. This year, it was still hard to park the car, but only because the Neighbors Dog was in our driveway. When I took him over to her house, it only then hit me that her house was empty. I asked, "Where's the big party you guys usually have?" She replied, "Well, with Gas, Food and everything else going up and away, we just didn't have the money to do anything this year."

It's pretty sad to see my friends and family this way. Everyone basically canceling trips, canceling parties, not being able to enjoy themselves, because their taxes are going through the roof, their food prices and of course, the biggest problem of all, their Gas prices.

What sickens me the most about this, is the apparent lack of concern that Congress has over this whole issue. When Nancy Pelosi came riding into Congress 2 years ago, she promised to do something about Gas prices that have gone up over 35% in the previous 6 years. Well instead of doing something to make things better, her and the Democrats fought to take lands away from Oil Drilling, and do everything possible to stop all use of Fossil Fuels and Nuclear energy. Instead of fixing the problem, over the past 2 years, we've seen prices just about double, or three times the rate of the previous 6 years. To top it off, because of Ethanol, we now see food prices higher than they've ever been, and if Obama wins, just to add icing to the cake, we can look forward to having our taxes increased. Yay!!

I guess this is one of the reasons why I keep writing about this issue, because only if we stick together, only if we make enough noise together, will we see any kind of results.

Good Night, and I hope you've had a GREAT 4th of July.

Operation Drill Bit Showing Success!!

I'd like to give a BIG thanks to everyone who participated in the Schnitt Show's Operation Drill Bit that we've been promoting here at No Socialism! Apparently, our efforts have not gone in vain and congress is starting to take notice.

Rep Ginny Brown-Waite, gave a speech to Congress in which she talked bout receiving Drill Bits from Constituents as their way of letting Congress know that the time has come for America to Drill and provide for it's own resources.

Again, we need to remember that's this is not just about drilling for oil, it's also about building more Nuclear Power Plants as Europe has done is is continuing to do. It's also about doing more about alternatives that we have the technology to take advantage of now, like Coal to Oil Gasification and Shale to Oil technologies. It's about ending the diversion of our food supply that's driving up our food prices. It's about ending the Stonewalling that's going on with the Democrats blocking every attempt to expand drilling and expand energy here in America.

I think we all need to go another round with these guys to let them know we're still watching them. If possible, "Adopt" a Democrat to send an extra set of Drill Bits to, perhaps I don't know, maybe someone like Congressman David Obey. Let him know that a policy of "No", just won't cut it. Let him know that Bills like "Use it or lose it" are not any kind of solution, but yet another roadblock. If you need his address, it's:

Congressman Dave Obey
First Star Plaza
401 5th Street,
Suite 406A
Wausau, Wisconsin 54403-5468

Please remember to help out by signing Newt's Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less initiative, and participate in Operation Drill Bit, to Flood Washington with Drill Bits. These initiatives will help remind Congress that they are in Washington to represent "We The People" and should follow our directives.

Geologist Say "Use It Or Lose It" Bill Will Increase Prices

After writing my article about how David Obey (D-Wis) was Shielding Democrats From Embarrassment by shutting down the appropriations process so they wouldn't have to vote on provisions to increase drilling here in the U.S. (since most Democrats would vote against more drilling), I was challenged by one of my readers about the facts that the Oil industry already has thousands of leases that they're not using. Other than the obvious, which is, who in their right mind doesn't want to make money, I did a bit of research to find more specifics on this subject.

There's an article written by Nick Snow in the Washington Editor that has an interesting story on this, and on how the American Association of Petroleum Geologist (AAPG) is cautioning congress on the actions they're about to take. Here are some highlights on the letter they wrote:

"As Congress considers measures to deal with high crude oil prices, I urge caution. Policies that increase exploration costs, decrease the available time to properly evaluate leases, and restrict access to federal lands and the Outer Continental Shelf do not provide the American people with short-term relief from high prices and undermine the goal of increasing stable long-term supplies," he said in a June 23 letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), and Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).

The letter is significant because AAPG and its leaders rarely take public positions on political issues. It is an apparent response to H.R. 6251, which House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-W.Va.) introduced on June 12. Formally called the Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act of 2008, the legislation has become known as the "Use it or lose it" bill because it would require federal oil and gas leaseholders to promptly develop or relinquish their leases. Republicans are concerned that it could reach the House floor this week without hearings or a markup.

H.R. 6251's assumption is flawed, Green suggested in his letter. "The process of leasing, evaluating, drilling and developing an oil or natural gas field typically takes 5-10 years. Some fields come online sooner. Others are delayed by permitting or regulatory delays or constraints in the availability of data acquisition and drilling equipment and crews. Large projects and those in deep water may require a decade or more to ramp up to full production,"

'Intensive assessment'
Geologists begin an intensive assessment once a lease is awarded, he continued. They collect new geological, geophysical, and geochemical data to better understand the lease area's geology. If they see no evidence of a suitable trap, the producer will relinquish the lease. But if they see a trap that looks interesting, the lessee will hire a drilling rig to find out if the geologists are right.

"Drilling is the true test of the geologists' model, and it isn't a decision to be made lightly. Drilling costs for a single well can range from $500,000 for shallow onshore wells to over $25 million for tests in deep water offshore," Green noted.

Access required
"As you can see, oil and natural gas exploration is not simple and it is not easy," Green told the House leaders. "It requires geological ingenuity, advanced technologies, and the time to do the job right. It also requires access to areas where exploration areas can be tested—the greater the number of areas available for exploration, the higher the chance of finding oil and gas traps."

If you want to see the entire article, follow this link. If you really want to learn more about how Oil Drilling works, you should check out Black Gold on TruTV:

You can also help out by signing Newt's Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less initiative, and participate in Operation Drill Bit, to Flood Washington with Drill Bits. These initiatives will help remind Congress that they are in Washington to represent "We The People" and should follow our directives.

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