13 June 2008

Global Warming .... Make that Cooling

Call me crazy, call me stupid, but this doesn't make any sense. According to the U.S Government The Climate has been on a cooling trend over the past 10 years.

The Global Warming Alarmist, are all saying that Carbon output is causing Global Warming, and yet in the past 10 years, worldwide Carbon emissions keep rising, as a matter of fact, China alone has added 2 Coal Fired Power plants every single week over the past decade, and that doesn't even include their Oil burning and Gas burning ones that they've added. As a matter of fact, they don't even apply the same stringent environmental controls to their plants that the U.S.A. uses, so their pollution output is significantly higher than the same plants built in the U.S. And yet, we still have had a global cooling trend in the past couple of years. What gives? Maybe this is the reason why the World Bank is trying to siphon off dollars meant to reduce Carbon output, because they know that it really doesn't make and difference and this is all about money.

In the mean time, food prices are still going through the roof, all around the world the poor are the hardest hit. We're doing this supposedly to reduce Carbon output because, we're told it causes Global warming? Clearly, this is not the case. Congress has done nothing but block efforts to increase Oil and Gas production and we're paying through the nose, all for what? To reduce Carbon Output to save the world? Carbon has gone up by MASSIVE amounts, and yet the planet is still cooling!

I've said it before Congress needs to show us they care, but it seems that they're too beholden to the special interest groups, like the Sierra Club and others, to look at straight up FACTS. This information comes from a the government agency that monitors the climate, not some right wing conspiracy group, so what is the problem?
We need to make it clear to congress that we mean business. They need to start Drilling, NOW. We need those Shale to Oil converters running NOW. We need the Coal to Oil Gasification NOW. And if we don't get it, they will be out of a job (right along with the rest of us, since we won't be able to afford to gas it takes to go to work).

One of the best ways to let congress know is by participating in Operation Drill Bit.

04 June 2008

Obama's Electoral College Outlook

OK, so the results are in and it's an Obama win on the Democrat's side. However, let's take a look at Bush's win from the last election, you know, the one with the "Vote or Die" campaign from "P-Diddy" that was supposed to be an ASSURED WIN for the Democrats.

Yet the Democrats, despite the Media Machine's full backing barely won 19 states. So what does it look like this time around with Obama on the ticket?

First, the Democrats will lose even more states. Pennsylvania, and the Guns and Religion stuff won't play too well over there, and so they will probably go for McCain. Also Minnesota has had their fill of Democrats and have an all Republican legislature, so they're probably going back to being a Red State.

On the flip side, there's a possibility that Obama will finally pull Georgia away from Republicans and who knows, he might even be able to clinch New Mexico and maybe even Colorado. Even though he had a big win in Iowa, I think the Reverend Wright stuff permanently damaged his image there, so even though CNN and others are saying he can convert them this time around, I SERIOUSLY doubt that will happen. In addition I think he just might have enough support in Virginia to pull them over to his side this time around as well.

Here's what I've come up with:
McCain 284
Obama 253

Sorry, still a loss Barry. Maybe next time.


03 June 2008

Operation Drill Bit Inspires Art by Don Meredith

Operation Drill Bit Inspires Art

Thanks to Don Meredith for his original, Operation Drill Bit, illustration that he sent the Schnitt Show.
For those of you who haven't been keeping up with this, we're trying to spread the word on Operation Drill bit. Send a Drill Bit to your Congressman, and one to each one of your Senators. Here at NoSocialism.com, we're also sending one to Governor Christ, since he has put a "No Drilling Moratorium" off the coast of Florida, which I think is a Terrible idea.
There are those who've contacted me and said that this is a terrible idea, since Platforms off the coast will look terrible. The Truth is that if it's more than 25 Miles off shore, we're not going to see it, at least not without binoculars. In addition, China is ALREADY building a platform less than 25 Miles off the coast of Florida on the Cuban coast. So the Chinese can drill that oil but we can't? I'm sorry but I'm SURE that our companies will do a better and cleaner job than any Chinese company could possibly do!
If you haven't done so already, click here to get your Congressman's addresses to send them their Drill Bits. Additionally, if you're doing as I am, and sending one to Governor Christ as well, click here for his info.

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